Dry Eye in Morgantown, WV

Dry Eye in Morgantown, WV

Dry eye is a common occurrence, especially in older adults, and is typically chronic for those that experience it

Dry eye typically occurs when tear production and drainage is not in balance, which can happen for a broad variety of reasons, including age, environment, various medical conditions, and even as a side effect for some medications.

The symptoms of dry eye include irritated, gritty, scratchy, or burning eyes, the feeling that something is in your eyes, excess watering, blurred vision, light sensitivity, blurry vision, and more. If you believe you are suffering from dry eye in Morgantown, West Virginia, let the optometrist here at Eye to Eye Optical help. 


Dry Eye Diagnosis

Dry eye can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination, and treated through a variety of methods that aim to restore or maintain the normal amount of tears in your eyes, which reduces dryness and the related discomforts in order to maintain eye health. Our optometrist will work with you to prescribe the best remedy for your chronic dry eye symptoms. Likely, you will be prescribed an artificial tear solution, or a similar treatment option that will reduce your specific symptoms.

We may also recommend changes to your diet in order to increase your natural tear production or improve the quality of tears you produce. 

Dry eye is immensely frustrating for many of our clients, and can have more permanent effects when not treated properly

Let Eye to Eye Optical help you improve your eye health and reduce the sting and strain of dry eye with the help of a skilled optometrist. 

Give Eye to Eye Optical in Morgantown, West Virginia a call today to learn more about our dry eye treatments

Discuss our affordable rates and insurance options, or schedule an appointment with our optometrist to get a comprehensive eye exam and start treatment. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always happy to answer your questions, and we look forward to helping you soon!

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